DeltaTrak 庆祝农产品行业女性

为了庆祝妇女历史月,我采访了农产品行业的一些 DeltaTrak 客户,了解他们对影响女性和供应链的问题的看法。Kim A. 是 CrunchPak 的分销经理,Lisa M. 是 Gebber’s Farms 的发货员。令我印象深刻的是,这两位女性都是各自公司的长期雇员。她们似乎都真正喜欢自己的角色。两位女性都是母亲,并谈到很幸运能够拥有管理生活所需的灵活性。听到这些真是太棒了,因为每个人都知道工作与生活的平衡往往很难实现。
Kim A. 在 CrunchPak 工作已有 7 年。
问:您在 CrunchPak 担任什么职务?
Kim: 我在 CrunchPak 的主要职责是监督办公室的日常工作,同时还负责管理我们在当地拥有和运营的卡车。我从办公室做起,逐步晋升。我先是库存主管,然后是高级主管,现在我是分销经理。我刚毕业就得到了这份工作。我有个儿子,所以这份工作对我来说很合适。如果需要的话,我可以非常灵活地安排工作时间。他们一直都很乐意和我一起工作。我喜欢我的工作。这对我早上起床很有帮助。我喜欢解决问题。我喜欢有控制的混乱。
Kim: 温度。由于温度问题,货物会被拒收。因为我们只使用冷藏卡车,所以这是我们要处理的一件大事。即使冷藏车说没问题,卡车的温度也会更高。这就是为什么我们为我们的一位客户增加了 RTL,因为我们不断被拒收,所以我们希望实时跟踪能够看到(他们为什么拒收货物)。这样我们就有备份了。这是其中最重要的问题。保险。保险费大概是 35 美元。找卡车也很困难。找到它们并确保它们准时到达。
问题:DeltaTrak 的数据记录器如何帮助您管理冷链?
Kim: We use about twelve FlashLink loggers every week. They’re simple and easy to use. They work for our purposes, and we’re saving at least $15,000 a year. I like the DeltaTrak website (ColdTrak). It’s user friendly. I love how I can get the reports easier. They’re easy to read because of the plug-in. The loggers help us ensure that we always have accurate readings on the trucks going between our two facilities.
Question: What do you think is the biggest issue facing women in your industry or women in the workforce?
Kim: Sometimes you’re afraid to speak up and I think you just need to be assertive in your own way. To let people know that you know what you’re talking about. Being proud of whatever you’re doing. Showing that to other people so they recognize it. Standing your ground.
Question: The International Women’s Day theme for 2021 is #ChooseToChallenge, which highlights the importance of challenging biases and misconceptions in the interest of creating a more inclusive and gender-equal world. How do you think this applies to you or working women in general?
Kim: That’s thought-provoking. I’ve never seen the gender (card) being played here at all. There’s lots of managers here who are women. I’ve always been paid as equally as anyone else around here, so I’ve never had that problem. Maybe it’s the area where I live, because I’ve never felt that way. Even growing up. I was the manager at McDonald’s when I was 18. But, I think it is a huge issue overall. Just nothing I’ve personally dealt with. I think it’s something that needs to be tackled in the corporate world for sure. I think it’s important to make sure that you’re not overlooking people that are qualified. Going back in time to see what my mom had to do just to vote… It’s all kind of brought us where we are today, and we’re still fighting. I sometimes deal with that in my head when it comes to our warehouse because when you first see a woman you don’t think they’re going to be able to do as good a job as the men. That’s a misconception that we have, even as women. And I have to step myself back and say, “Of course they can. It doesn’t matter (that they’re a woman).”
Lisa M. has been with Gebber’s Farms for 13 years.
Current Title: Shipping Clerk
Question: What is your role with Gebber’s Farms?
Lisa: It involves handling all of the export documentation for everything leaving our facility going out of the country. Every day is different. Which I like. You have to know all of the requirements for the country you’re shipping to, which includes anything I need for the state government inspection agency for fruit. Everything that leaves the facility that goes out of the country requires some sort of documentation.
Question: What has kept you at Gebber’s Farms for such a long time?
Lisa: 大部分都是和我一起工作的人。除了樱桃季,我的时间安排确实很灵活。樱桃季是六月和七月。这有点难。一周七天都很忙,直到我们完成工作,但如果我女儿生病了,我可以接她回家。这很管用。我送她去学校,接她回家。我和她一起吃午饭。
Lisa: 我们遇到了卡车供应不足的问题。如何将集装箱运进港口并卸货,以便我们能用空箱装满集装箱。这是我们面临的最大问题之一。对于卡车来说,它们都使用电子日志记录,因此它们行驶的时间有限。
Lisa: 我们的物流人员必须四处奔波寻找新卡车。我认为外面有很多卡车,我不知道它们是否能跟上我们现有的运输量。或者它们没有准备好处理这种情况。这是问题的一部分。我们现在每天大概运送大约 30 卡车货物。在樱桃季节,当我们处于高峰期时,这个数字很容易增加三倍。本周我们已经完成了大约十几辆出口货物。(在繁忙季节也是三倍。)
问题:DeltaTrak 的数据记录器如何帮助您管理冷链?
Lisa: 我们使用的是 FlashLink Mini(PDF 运输记录仪)。这是一个一体化套件。我们拥有的其他一些记录仪(来自 DeltaTrak 竞争对手的记录仪)由多个部件组成。您可能有一个贴在纸上的记录仪,或者您必须将其放在包里。这些(FlashLink Mini PDF 记录仪)是一次性交易。它为我们节省了时间(就组装它们而言)并将它们放在负载上。它们非常易于使用,这让一切变得非常简单。
Lisa: 好问题。我可能会说职场平等。我认为这对女性来说可能是最重要的事情。不一定是工资,而是得到同等对待。有很多女性没有得到同等对待。这是我的感觉。很难找到一个能平等对待你的人。重视你的意见,相信你知道你在说什么。我只是努力做到最好,相信有人会看到它。另一个挑战是找到优质的托儿服务。
我很高兴与 Lisa 和 Kim 谈论她们的工作,祝愿她们继续取得成功!请务必关注下周的博客,我将在其中回顾我与其他 DeltaTrak 客户的对话,我们将继续庆祝妇女历史月。