DeltaTrak 记录仪为 Cherry Broker 带来巨大益处

我们最近采访了加拿大最大的樱桃出口商 Global Fruit 的 Janet Fortin。该公司与不列颠哥伦比亚省的农场合作种植和包装樱桃,并依靠 Global Fruit 进行营销和出口。Global Fruit 拥有大约 125 个果园,预计 2021 年将是有史以来最好的一年。据 Janet 说:“我们估计有些树的樱桃产量将超过 100 磅。我认为今年我们将有 1700 万到 2000 万磅的樱桃要运送。如果可能的话,新客户会加入,我会推荐 DeltaTrak。”
Janet: 我是物流协调员。樱桃从包装厂出来后,我负责安排货运人员去提货、运送到机场或运送海运集装箱(装货),当然还要与航空公司、轮船公司和卡车公司进行所有预订。所以,我有四个月的时间全天 24 小时不间断地工作。
珍妮特: 我从 11 月开始就在这里。我是一家钢铁制造商的物流经理。他们是一家 Splash Parks 制造商。
Janet: 今年我们预计运输量在 15,000 到 20,000 个托盘之间。通常去美国我们会使用满载 53 英尺的冷藏集装箱。海运货物会使用 40 英尺的集装箱。空运货物可能从一个托盘到整艘货船,甚至 100 个托盘。我喜欢可以登录你们的网站进行跟踪,并获得实时数据。
Janet: 国际市场。我们也会去美国、泰国、越南、中国、日本和欧洲。
问题:我们来谈谈 DeltaTrak 记录仪。你们是否将它们用于所有货物运输?
Janet: We use the FlashLink VU for U.S. clients. We use the RTL Prime 60-day on air freight and ocean. We use the FlashLink PDF loggers for our international shipments (because we prefer them). It’s not based on a customer request on the international side.
Question: Are you using DeltaTrak products exclusively?
Janet: We use (two other loggers) because (we have customers who want us to use them). But the person who had this position before me said if she could use the FlashLink (loggers) for everything, she would. She said you have great customer service. She’s very impressed.
Question: That’s good to hear!
Janet: Plus, we like the shelf-life of your FlashLink VU as well. Whereas (the loggers from the other companies) can be from 3 months to 6 months to 1 year max, you guys are 18 months so we like that. We’re kind of estimating when we order (loggers), so we’ll have leftover (loggers) at the end of the season, yet we can still use your product again next season. We enjoy the shelf-life that you have.
Question: Have you heard any feedback on the ease-of-use or operation of DeltaTrak devices?
Janet: The packinghouse puts the units in as they are loading the trucks, and from what I understand, your products are very easy to use. I’ve looked at it myself and it’s like (you just push) “Start”. And then I like the fact that you have (Shadow Log) on the FlashLink VU because you know that it’s still working and that the battery is not dead. Whereas with the other companies, they don’t have that kind of function. You just have to go off of their battery life, so you’re just kind of gambling.
Question: Let’s talk about the RTL. You mentioned you like the ability to see shipment location in real time. Why is that a benefit for you?
Janet: I’ll get an alert if the temperature has gone up. I like that because our product is very, very sensitive. And then I can see where it’s being transferred. I can make sure the quality of the product is intact and that it did not miss the vessel. We also give our customers the information for the shipments so they can track their own.
Question: How do your customers feel about the ability to see their shipments?
Janet: I think they absolutely love that service because they can see exactly where the truck is and how long it’s been sitting there. It’s a good tracing (system).
Question: What would you say is your favorite feature of the RTL?
Janet: The tracking capability and that I get alerts if the temperature rises too much. Yeah, the (GSM) is great.
Question: Is there anything you absolutely love about the RTL?
Janet: The shelf-life for me is the winner.
Question: Let’s delve into that a bit. Have you found that you’ve spent a lot of money on loggers that you couldn’t use because of the shorter shelf-life?
Janet: Correct.
珍妮特: 上个季节,那是一个非常淡季,我有大约 70 台伐木机无法使用。我想说每台伐木机的成本大约是 35 美元(上下浮动)。这是加元。我们损失了这笔钱。我们代表包装厂购买伐木机。
问题:您会向其他公司推荐 RTL 吗?
珍妮特: 当然了。
我们很享受与 Janet 的交谈!她是众多使用 DeltaTrak 记录器监控易腐货物温度的满意客户之一。如果您想要为您的企业提供定制解决方案,请联系您的专属 DeltaTrak 客户经理或致电 1-800-962-6776。