
五千家沃尔玛药店已准备好接种 COVID-19 疫苗 - china
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五千家沃尔玛药店已准备好接种 COVID-19 疫苗


全球各地的医疗服务提供商已开始向其服务的社区提供辉瑞和 Moderna 疫苗。DeltaTrak 的一些客户实际上在一年前就开始准备参与 COVID-19 疫苗的分发。沃尔玛就是其中一位客户。沃尔玛健康与保健高级总监丽莎·史密斯 (Lisa Smith) 表示,当他们的临床团队意识到 COVID-19 病毒正以如此快的速度蔓延至美国时,他们立即采取行动,“学习、规划并教育我们自己和我们的医疗专业人员疫苗接种的部署情况。”史密斯描述了沃尔玛在 2020 年夏天如何开始咨询 CDC 和卫生与公众服务部,并组建团队负责研究沃尔玛专业人员如何管理 COVID-19 疫苗的接种。对于沃尔玛的药剂师来说,接种疫苗并不是什么新鲜事,因为他们多年来一直在为流感和破伤风等疾病接种疫苗。继 FDA 于 12 月批准紧急疫苗接种后,沃尔玛开始为新墨西哥州和阿肯色州的医护人员接种疫苗。最近,这家全球零售连锁店一直在培训和准备其药剂师和药房技术人员,为其他州的指定优先群体接种 COVID 疫苗,包括特拉华州、佐治亚州、印第安纳州、路易斯安那州、马里兰州、新泽西州、南卡罗来纳州和德克萨斯州(以及伊利诺伊州芝加哥和波多黎各)。

As a participant in the Federal Retail Pharmacy Partnership Program, launched in February 2021, Walmart will distribute the COVID-19 vaccine through in-store clinics, as well as community events. Churches, stadiums and youth centers are some of the locales that Walmart clinicians will occupy to administer the vaccine. The five thousand U.S. and Puerto Rico Walmart (and Sam’s Club) pharmacies have the ability to disseminate between 10 – 13 million COVID-19 vaccine doses each month. Eighty percent of these locations are in “health care deserts”, and historically underserved communities, enabling Walmart to provide the vaccine to those who typically find it difficult to access health care.

To help individuals quickly and easily obtain the vaccine, Walmart is capitalizing on technology by using online store finder and scheduling tools.

DeltaTrak Loggers Help Pharmacists Preserve Vaccine Potency

In his comments regarding Walmart’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution, CEO Doug McMillon states they are, “making sure that we can handle the Pfizer vaccine, the Moderna vaccine and do so appropriately and safely.” That’s where DeltaTrak comes in. We provide the temperature monitoring devices which help our customers protect products – which saves lives. We have equipped several Walmart pharmacies with the devices to monitor vaccine temperature during storage (and transport, when necessary). Keeping the COVID-19 vaccines at the proper temperature is critical to maintaining potency, and vaccine potency has never been more important than right now. It is widely known that up to 20% of all vaccines are lost due to spoilage. The objective in closely monitoring COVID-19 vaccines is minimizing the number of doses rendered ineffective due to temperature excursions.

Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, although both developed to guard against COVID-19 infection, require different handling. Pfizer’s vaccine is packaged in a thermal container filled with dry ice and ship from manufacturer to distribution sites at a temperature between -80°C and 60°C (-112°F to -76°F). The vaccine must be maintained at the same temperature when storing in an ultra-low freezer, or between 2°C and 8°C (36°F and 46°F) when stored in a refrigerator for up to five days. The COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by Moderna may be stored in either a freezer, at -25°C to -15°C (-13°F and 5°F), or refrigerator between 2°C and 8°C (36°F and 46°F). DeltaTrak’s products are well-able to monitor these diverse temperature profiles, as well as those of the many vaccines currently in development.

DeltaTrak 的 Flashlink 认证疫苗 ULT PDF 数据记录器(型号 40570)专为处理超低疫苗温度而设计,是干冰储存和运输的理想选择。使用自动生成的 PDF、CSV 和每日日志报告可以轻松进行数据分析。声音和视觉警报可立即通知利益相关者超出范围的情况,这对于快速决策必不可少。如需更多信息,请联系您的专属 DeltaTrak 客户经理或致电 1-800-962-6776。

去看一位  积极参与注射 COVID-19 疫苗的沃尔玛药剂师。


史密斯,丽莎,高级总监,“我们花了一年时间与 CDC 和其他机构一起准备接种 COVID-19 疫苗。”网络博客文章。沃尔玛,2021 年 1 月 27 日。网络。2021 年 2 月 17 日。

Fares, Melissa 和 Baertlein, Lisa,“沃尔玛扩大疫苗接种范围,助力美国新冠疫情计划。”《医疗保健与制药》,路透社,2021 年 1 月 22 日。网络。2021 年 1 月 30 日。

Pegus,执行董事 Cheryl 博士,“当疫苗在美国推出时,沃尔玛随时准备为您服务。”网络博客文章。沃尔玛,2021 年 1 月 22 日。网络。2021 年 1 月 30 日。


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五千家沃尔玛药店已准备好接种 COVID-19 疫苗 - china
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