COVID-19 疫情要求我们以新颖的方式开展业务。特别是在安全领域,情况发生了变化。因此, 员工安全 计划被迫不断发展。员工安全计划的目的是确保员工拥有安全和健康的工作环境。重点通常是防止因 工作环境中的事件或条件而导致的事故和疾病 。现在,员工安全已扩大到包括来自 外部的新威胁,例如冠状病毒。全面的预防计划应包括筛查员工是否出现 COVID-19 症状。 疾病控制中心 已发布工作场所缓解活动,其中概述了帮助企业管理 COVID-19 情况的建议。疾病控制中心根据企业所在社区的传播水平提供具体建议。其中一条指示是“考虑每天对进入建筑物的员工和访客进行面对面或虚拟健康检查(例如体温和呼吸道症状筛查)(如果可行)”。通过遵循此指导,管理层可以在员工进入工作场所之前识别出可能生病或发烧的员工(通常是 COVID19 感染的第一个迹象)。还建议在多个设施入口处进行员工筛查。
测量员工体温似乎是一项艰巨的任务,尤其是在员工人数众多的情况下。然而,一个精心规划的详细流程,加上正确的工具,将有助于管理层从长远来看避免问题。由于新冠疫情爆发,几家肉类加工厂已暂时关闭了其设施。有些甚至关闭了多个地点。泰森食品、JBS 和 Perdue 只是制定新政策和程序以减轻病毒传播的几家公司中的几家。泰森和 Perdue 已经开始测量员工体温,提供面罩,并在生产车间和休息区拉开工人之间的距离。两家公司还对设施进行了改造,例如建造隔板来分隔工人。Perdue 使用的隔板由有机玻璃或拉伸塑料袋制成。
职业安全与健康管理局 (OSHA) 是根据 1970 年的《职业安全与健康法》成立的,负责制定和执行保护员工健康和安全的标准。OSHA 标准涵盖大多数私营和部分公共部门雇主。防止冠状病毒在工作场所传播的指南已经编写完毕,最近进行了更新,以包括额外的记录保存要求。OSHA 要求拥有 10 名以上员工的公司必须报告符合以下标准的任何 COVID-19 传播事件:
- 根据 CDC 指南,该病例被确诊为 COVID-19。
- The case is work-related, as defined by OSHA 29 CFR – standard number 1904.5.https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1904/1904.5
- The case involves one or more of the general recording criteria set forth in OSHA 29 CFR – standard number 1904.7, which include death, days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid, loss of consciousness, significant injury or illness diagnosed by a physician or other licensed health care provider.
An employee has the right to request that their name be omitted from the company’s injury and illness log, however.
Food Safety
Questions regarding food safety have come to the forefront during the pandemic, as consumers have pondered whether COVID-19 can be spread through food. Medical professionals maintain that the Coronavirus poses no risk to the food supply, which is good news. However, we know the food supply is always at risk of being impacted by poor hygiene and inadequate handling. There are three U.S. government organizations responsible for protecting the food supply: The Centers for Disease Control manages food outbreaks; the Food and Drug Administration regulates all foods except meat and poultry (80% of the food supply); the United States Department of Agriculture regulates meat and poultry. Guided by food safety regulations, these organizations aim to protect consumers from illness caused by bad food. This is no small feat, when each year, roughly 48 million Americans get sick and 3,000 die from foodborne pathogens. The creation of modern food safety regulation began in 1906 when the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed. The Meat Inspection Act was also passed during this time. This legislation was passed in response to the abhorrent conditions in food processing plants, brought to light by Sinclair Upton’s book, “The Jungle”.
With the passing of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) in 2010 (It became law on January 4, 2011.), the federal government made the shift from responding to foodborne outbreaks to preventing them. The FSMA covers five focus areas: Prevention; Inspection and Compliance; Response; Imports and Enhanced Partnerships.
In the area of prevention, the FSMA requires adherence to specific guidelines, such as the requirement for food facilities to develop and implement preventive controls plans. The plans must include the following: an analysis of the potential food related hazards; an outline of the steps and controls that will be implemented to reduce or prevent the hazards; methods for monitoring and documenting the controls; and a blueprint for the measures which will be taken to address any failures. The second prevention initiative requires the FDA to establish standards for the production and harvesting of produce. The standards address managing natural hazards, as well as those caused by an individual’s intentional or unintentional actions. Likewise, the impact of temperature controls, soil additives, worker hygiene, packaging, water, and animals in the growing area, must also be considered. The last element of the prevention effort authorizes the FDA to implement strategies which guard against intentional food contamination.
See the new FSMA COVID-19 guidelines. https://www.fda.gov/food/food-safety-modernization-act-fsma/whats-new-fsma
See the new FSMA Food Safety Dashboard. https://www.fda.gov/food/cfsan-constituent-updates/fda-launches-fda-track-food-safety-dashboard-track-fsma-progress
Supply Chain
In the food supply chain, controlling and monitoring temperature is crucial to disease prevention and adherence to the Food Safety Modernization Act. There are countless real world examples of missteps in protecting consumers from foodborne illness. The FDA investigated sixteen outbreaks in 2019 – all caused by pathogens such as listeria and salmonella. This year, there have already been three outbreak investigations, the most recent taking place in June. Chilling meat and poultry after processing, and maintaining the appropriate temperature (40°F or below) during storage and transport, will slow the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
Temperature monitoring devices like data loggers help to reassure meat and poultry producers that their products are safe for consumers to ingest. Using data loggers during food storage and transport provides valuable documentation, to support adherence to regulations, as well as any claims which could arise due to spoiled food shipments. Data loggers should be utilized at every point in the supply chain, from processing plants to retail grocery stores or restaurants. At every step of a food product’s journey, shippers must be able to validate that the correct temperature is maintained. Data loggers are used to support this validation.
在考虑购买哪种数据记录器时,清单中应包含几个关键功能。首先,记录器应具有嵌入式软件,使生产者和接收者能够使用智能手机或下载 PDF 或 CSV 报告快速、轻松地访问行程数据。此功能消除了购买单独软件包的需要。自定义某些记录参数(例如采样间隔)的能力非常重要,因为客户要求可能有所不同。也许要寻找的最重要的功能是保证。由于责任重大,托运人最不需要担心的就是设备是否在行程开始前真正启动。即使没有启动也能记录行程数据的记录器是无价之宝。DeltaTrak 数据记录器提供这些功能以及更多功能,用于国内运输的型号 40443 和用于出口的型号 40457。
“关于为应对 Covid-19 做好工作场所准备的指南”,OSHA.gov,2020 年 3 月。[在线]。网址: https://www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA3990.pdf
K. Skinner,“10x Genomics 成为 One Medical 首个部署基于群组的 COVID-19 员工检测的客户”,One Medical,2020 年 5 月 19 日。[在线]。网址: https: //investor.onemedical.com/news-releases/news-release-details/10x-genomics-becomes-first-one-medical-customer-deploy-cohort
K. Martin,《肉类供应商实施额外安全措施》,Winsight Grocery Business,2020 年 4 月 9 日。[在线]。网址: https: //www.winsightgrocerybusiness.com/fresh-food/meat-suppliers-implement-additional-safety-measures
“2019 年冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 病例记录执法指南修订版”,职业安全与健康管理局 (OSHA),2020 年 5 月 19 日。[在线]。网址: https: //www.osha.gov/memos/2020-05-19/revised-enforcement-guidance-recording-cases-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19
D. Detwiler 博士,《了解食品安全法规的基础知识》,北方大学,2018 年 2 月 15 日。[在线]。网址: https ://www.northeastern.edu/graduate/blog/understanding-basics-food-safety-regulations/
“食源性疾病暴发”,美国食品药品管理局 (FDA),2020 年 6 月 19 日。[在线]。网址: https: //www.fda.gov/food/recalls-outbreaks-emergencies/outbreaks-foodborne-illness
“运输肉类和家禽”,The Meat We Eat.com,2017 年 5 月 30 日。[在线]。网址: https://meatscience.org/TheMeatWeEat/topics/article/2017/05/30/transporting-meat-and-poultry