
保护您的团队免受 COVID-19 传播 | china
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保护您的团队免受 COVID-19 传播

短短几个月,新冠病毒就给美国带来了沉重打击,我们可能再也不会像以前一样了。各大机构都濒临崩溃。全国各地的学校和大学管理人员都在讨论是否在秋季向学生开放校园。体育比赛目前在没有球迷的体育场馆进行,甚至根本没有球迷。失业人数持续上升。更糟糕的是,就在居家隔离令解除、我们认为(希望)美国正在好转的时候,重新开放的尝试却遭遇了第二波病毒病例。迄今为止,已有 400 万美国公民感染了 COVID-19。除了全国性的卫生紧急情况外,还出现了第二波经济危机。几家零售巨头永久关闭了多家门店,而零售业及其他领域的其他公司则完全停业。去当地的银行分行看看,甚至会发现硬币短缺,据新闻媒体报道,这是大规模零售店关闭的直接结果。我们已正式陷入经济衰退,许多人都在为支付房租和养家糊口而苦苦挣扎。

幸运的是,一些企业在第一波疫情期间能够继续营业,因为它们是关键基础设施的一部分,或者因为它们支持关键部门。在居家隔离解除后,其他企业获准重新开业,并得到了疾病控制和预防中心的详细指导。希望本指南能帮助雇主实施政策和程序,保护员工免受 COVID-19 传播。

According to the CDC, employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthy workplace. Therefore, the CDC recommends that employers take specific actions to limit the spread of COVID-19. Businesses should begin by conducting a hazard assessment to identify anything which could increase the spread of COVID-19, including areas of the facility where employees are typically in close contact. Elevators are of particular concern, so employers should encourage the use of stairs whenever possible. When distancing is not feasible, furniture and workstation modification should be completed, such as adding barriers and shields. Surfaces which are frequently touched should be cleaned and disinfected multiple times throughout the day. Building ventilation is another consideration. The CDC suggests that employers increase air filtration, as well as the amount of outside air going into the building.

The following OSHA documents offer guidance on limiting the spread of COVID-19 by minimizing environmental risks.

Screening employees for COVID-19 symptoms by setting up onsite temperature checking stations is urged. Those with symptoms such as fever should be encouraged to return home and/or consult their personal physician. As mentioned in an earlier blog, the EEOC states that because we are in a pandemic, employers may facilitate measuring employees’ body temperature, and ask if sick employees are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Employers should also consider adjusting shift start times and break times, which will help to reduce the total number of employees who are onsite at the same time.

The utilization of non-contact thermometers, whether hand-held or standalone, has quickly become the standard in the fight against COVID-19. When used with work groups, small and large, non-contact temperature monitoring devices help to identify employees who have fever, which is a primary symptom of COVID-19. Standalone devices, are very effective because of the speed at which they capture temperature measurements and because they do not require an attendant for operation. This is important for limiting cross-infection. Many standalone devices also include software which enables the user to capture temperature data and easily produce reports.

CDC 进一步建议雇主鼓励其团队和客户使用面罩,特别是布面罩。没有确凿的数据表明布面罩可以有效保护佩戴者。但是,布面面罩可能有助于保护他人免受佩戴者呼吸道飞沫的侵害。虽然 CDC 建议使用布面面罩来限制 COVID-19 的传播,但毫无疑问其他类型的面罩也同样有效。例如,聚丙烯 3 层口罩可提供双重保护。由于 3 层口罩由多层材料制成,因此能够更好地阻挡小颗粒。此外,聚丙烯带有静电荷,这使得这种类型的口罩能够捕获佩戴者飞出的飞沫,同时还能防止来自外部的颗粒和飞沫渗透。

随着我们继续抗击 COVID-19,拥有正确的解决方案至关重要。DeltaTrak 长期以来一直致力于为客户提供值得信赖的产品和值得信赖的服务。我们的 3 层医用口罩(部件编号 57109)和 ThermoTrace Auto-Check 非接触式红外额温计 K3(部件编号 15050)只是 DeltaTrak 确信将在未来对如何保护工人免受 COVID-19 传播产生重大影响的工具中的两个例子。


“办公楼 COVID-19 雇主信息”,

“恢复营业工具包:2019 冠状病毒病 (COVID-19)”,

M. Godoy,“口罩使用指南:如何最好地保护他人(和自己)”,Goats and Soda,2020 年 7 月 1 日。[在线]。网址: https: //


Temesa Lewis

Temesa Lewis es redactora de comunicaciones de marketing en DeltaTrak, Inc. Su experiencia profesional incluye puestos en ventas/gestión de cuentas, recursos humanos y capacitación.


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保护您的团队免受 COVID-19 传播 | china