
世界食品安全日:预防疾病,人人有责 - china
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2018年,联合国大会宣布6月7 为“世界食品安全日”。每年,世界卫生组织和联合国粮食及农业组织都会带头强调食品安全的重要性,并“鼓励采取行动,帮助预防、发现和管理食源性风险,促进粮食安全、人类健康、经济繁荣、农业、市场准入、旅游业和可持续发展”。



在预防食源性疾病方面,消费者发挥着巨大的作用。简单的措施包括将食物烹饪到正确的温度(大多数肉类和鱼类为 145°;碎肉和家禽分别为 160° 和 165°)。适当冷却食物也非常重要。冰箱应设置为 40° 或以下。虽然食用变质食物不一定会导致疾病,但任何已经开始腐烂的食物都应立即丢弃。CDC 甚至建议订购餐食的消费者养成在收到食物后测量食物温度的习惯。

The necessity for properly educating the public, as well as food producers, about the dangers of food mishandling is obvious considering the number of foodborne illness outbreaks in the United States. Over the last three-and-a-half years there have been 56 foodborne outbreak investigations. During an investigation three types of information will be gathered. Research of epidemiologic information includes identifying patterns of location and timing, along with conducting interviews, which lead to discovering where and when multiple individuals ingested the same contaminant. Traceback data is obtained from tracing the source of contaminated food back through the supply chain to when and how it most likely became contaminated. Food and environmental testing will reveal that a germ found to be responsible for causing an outbreak is present in a contaminated food and a sick individual.

The purpose of an outbreak investigation is to identify the source of the outbreak and take the necessary actions to prevent further illness. Multiple systems are used by various organizations, all with the purpose of gathering and organizing information. For example, United States health departments use a platform called National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS) to report to the CDC any incidents of intestinal illness. The National Electronic Norovirus Outbreak Network (CaliciNet) is used by laboratories to help them collaborate in identifying Norovirus and foodborne illness in the US. The success of an outbreak investigation is dependent upon these organizations sharing information with one another.

Recognizing the need for greater collaboration and data sharing in outbreak investigations, the CDC began developing SEDRIC: System for Enteric Disease Response, Investigation, and Coordination, which “lets disease detectives in many different locations work together faster and more effectively when responding to foodborne and animal-related outbreaks.” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). This system provides faster, real-time access to laboratory, epidemiologic and traceback data. Currently 450 users from state and local health departments, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service, and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), have access to multiple surveillance data sources, lists of sick individuals and maps showing location and sequence of contamination, information on past outbreaks and a portal for sharing various documents interdepartmentally.

实时获取疫情信息或许是提高解决食源性疾病疫情速度的最佳方式。同样,实时温度监控是帮助预防与温度滥用相关的食源性疾病的最佳技术之一。实时记录器提供的可见性和数据可实现快速决策和问题解决。DeltaTrak 不断改进我们的数据记录器、温度计和其他食品安全工具,因为我们不断超越客户的要求。如果您对食品安全有疑问,请联系您的专属 DeltaTrak 客户经理或致电 1-800-962-6776。


“SEDRIC:肠道疾病应对、调查和协调系统。” 食源性疫情,疾病控制和预防中心,

“食源性疾病爆发:用于将疾病与受污染食品联系起来并解决爆发的 3 种数据类型。”  《调查爆发》,疾病控制与预防中心,

“2021 年世界食品安全日——现在保证食品安全,明天健康。”世界卫生组织,2021 年 6 月 7 日,  https ://—safe-food-now-for-a-healthy-tomorrow


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世界食品安全日:预防疾病,人人有责 - china
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