Model: 19011

- 用于花卉和农产品处理的乙烯管理
- Permangana钾Te Beads从空气中过滤乙烯
- 延长保质期并保持质量
- 减少收缩
Air Repair 乙烯气体吸收剂
组 I 系数 .00001 |
组 II 系数 .00002 |
组 III 系数 .00003 |
水果 | 蔬菜 | 水果 | 水果 | |
浆果 | 洋蓟 | 面包果 | 苹果 | 山竹 |
樱桃 | 芦笋 | 番石榴 | 杏子 | 油桃 |
葡萄柚 | 豆类 | 菠萝蜜 | 鳄梨 | 百香果 |
葡萄 | 甜菜 | 猕猴桃 | 香蕉 | 桃子 |
柠檬 | 西兰花 | 荔枝 | 哈密瓜 | 梨(所有品种) |
酸橙(所有品种) | 球芽甘蓝 | 大蕉 | 番荔枝 | 柿子 |
橙子 | 卷心菜(所有品种) | 榅子 | 克伦肖瓜 | 李子 |
菠萝 | 胡萝卜 | 番茄 | 蜜瓜 | 粉色番茄 |
石榴 | 根芹 | 芒果 | ||
橘子 | 芹菜 | |||
甜菜 |
计算因子 x 保护天数 x 商品重量 = 尺寸 #
一半的货物属于组 I。
其余的货物属于组 II。
.00001 x 18,000 x 5 = .9
(因子) (重量) (天数)
.00003 x 18,000 x 5 = 2.7
.9 + 2.7 = 3.6 使用一个3号尺寸和一个1号尺寸(3和1 = 4)
毛毯 | |
#1 (10″ x 10″)
#3 (20″ x 14″)
#5 (20″ x 20″)
#6 (20″ x 25″)
型号 | 产品 | 尺寸 / 重量 | 数量 |
19017 | 迷你包装 | 2.75英寸 x 2英寸 7厘米 x 5厘米 5克 |
每盒2000个迷你包装 |
19011 | 迷你毛毯 | 10英寸 x 10英寸 25.4厘米 x 25.4厘米 |
每盒3条迷你毛毯 |
19008 | 毛毯 | 20英寸 x 20英寸 50.8厘米 x 50.8厘米 |
1条毛毯 |
19009 | 毛毯 | 20英寸 x 25英寸 50.8厘米 x 63.5厘米 |
1条毛毯 |
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迷你包装: 型号 19017:5克迷你包装乙烯气体吸收剂推荐用于花卉运输。 |
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毛毯:这些毛毯乙烯吸收剂有三种不同的尺寸: 型号 19011:10英寸 x 10英寸,适用于小型冷藏箱。 型号 19008:20英寸 x 20英寸和型号 19009:20英寸 x 25英寸,适用于较大的冷藏箱、仓库和冷藏集装箱。 毛毯应悬挂在天花板或屋檐下,最好悬挂在风扇的回流侧,以确保最大气流。 |
散装珠子: 型号 19010:有50磅的箱装。松散的珠子用作过滤介质。 |
Application Guidelines
Basic Ethylene Management in Produce & Floral Handling
Exposure of horticultural products to ethylene gas during storage, distribution and at the retail level, can cause increased shrinkage and a decline in quality and shelf life. Following is some information to aid in ethylene management for floral and produce handling.
Minimize or Eliminate Sources
It is important to identify some basic sources of ethylene which could be present in your handling environment. The first phase of good ethylene management, after identification, if elimination, reduction or isolation of different sources of ethylene. These include:
Exhaust Fumes – Combustion engines powered by fossil fuel give off significant amounts of ethylene in their exhaust, up to 300 ppm. Forklifts, trucks and airplanes in the distribution chain, even heavy traffic or busy parking lots can be significant sources of ethylene. If elimination of engine exhaust is impossiBLE, then ample ventilation must be provided. Fuel-fired heaters on trucks can leak exhaust ethylene into floral cargo areas during transport if heat exchangers are cracked.
Microorganisms – Rotting flowers, foliage, fruits and vegetables are perfect media for fungus and bacteria to grow and thrive. There microorganisms are capaBLE of producing large amounts of ethylene. This problem is minimized by practicing proper sanitation on a routine basis, in cooler, work areas, and also floral buckets. Discard trimmed leaves, stem cuttings or any decaying plant matter as soon as possiBLE.
Produce – As fruit baskets are becoming more popular in the floral industry, it is important to be aware of the greater risk of ethylene damage to floral while stored or shipped with high ethylene producing fruit. These include: apples, peaches, pears, bananas, and kiwifruit. While oranges and other citrus are low producers, they are susceptiBLE to fungal growth. Even if a fruit basket is shrink wrapped, ethylene can pass through the pores of the poly films used.
Fruit should ideally be isolated from floral products.
Tobacco Smoke – When many smokers are in an enclosed area, studies have shown that there can be a significant build up of ethylene gas over several hours. Do not smoke around horticultural products, or be certain that there is plenty of ventilation.
Eliminating Ethylene
Even with the above measures there will still be ethylene present, and even small amounts can cause significant and irreversiBLE damage. Direct removal is done with ethylene scrubbers. When strategically placed in the air stream, as air passes through them, our Air Repair™ ethylene gas absorber blankets or tubes act as filters. Ethylene gas present in the air is oxidized by the potassium permanganate beads in the filters, so clean air is being recirculated. Air Repair™ ethylene gas absorber filters need to be replaced on a regular basis, depending on levels of ethylene present.
More GuidelinesMore
Place in each box of produce or flowers prior to shipment or storage. Best if placed into the box directly on the packing line. This way Air Repair ™ will protect the product from the time it is packaged, throughout distribution and storage, until it reaches the retail level.
The 5 gram ethylene gas absorber mini-bag is recommended for floral applications. Staple or tape the bag to the top edge, closure flap, or cover of each box. If using tape be sure that you only use a strip small enough to attach the bag without covering too much of it, so air can still circulate through the material and the absorber beads.
Mini-Blanket (10″x10″) Same application as the tubes, except hangs in the air flow, again, preferably on the return side of the fans.
Blankets Most popular size is the #6 blanket (20” x 25”), there is also a #5 (20” x 20”) blanket. Use inside ocean containers, large coolers or in warehouses. In an ocean container two 20” x 25” blankets are usually sufficient, hang from the ceiling.