
推出全新 FlashLink PDF Elite 运输中温湿度记录仪 | china
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推出全新 FlashLink PDF Elite 运输中温湿度记录仪

DeltaTrak 发布了 FlashLink In-Transit PDF Logger 系列的最新成员:新型 40051 FlashTrak PDF Elite Logger。

新款 40051 记录器基于其他系列产品的所有强大功能,但提供湿度监测功能。该记录器还配备了最近发布的 40050 PDF Elite 中提供的新型大型 LCD 屏幕。

与所有 FlashLink In-Transit PDF 记录仪一样,40051 包含专利的 Shadow Log® 故障安全功能,这是 DeltaTrak 的一项独特创新。此保护措施可确保如果记录仪在未启动的情况下意外运输,仍会有一个关于运输状况的行程报告。DeltaTrak 的最新数据显示,约 12% 的运输中记


Peter Norton

Peter Norton is a senior logistics and supply chain manager who is a consultant hired by clients in both the life science industry, and the food supply industry. Peter has extensive experience in both the domestic US and global markets specifically in the areas of cold chain management and security as this relates to the pharmaceutical industry to insure drugs that are supplied to the patient are at the required stability levels and peak efficacy.


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推出全新 FlashLink PDF Elite 运输中温湿度记录仪 | china