
但是,不仅卡车供应不足,司机也短缺。联邦汽车运输安全管理局 (FMCSA) 要求司机必须年满 21 岁才能在 州际贸易中驾驶商用机动车。大多数州对州内贸易的规定更为宽松 ,18 岁的年轻人可以驾驶商用车辆。联邦汽车运输安全管理局意识到司机短缺的问题,因此启动了一项试点计划,以研究允许 21 岁以下司机在州际贸易中驾驶商用机动车的可行性、好处和安全影响。
The FMCSA’s Hours of Service (HOS) regulation has also tightened the supply of available trucking. The HOS law states that a trucker can drive for 11 hours in a 14-hour consecutive window. After this point, a ten hour rest is required. The produce industry recently caught a break, however, with the recent 150 Air-Mile Hours of Service Agricultural Exemption. This exemption pertains specifically to the trucking of raw agricultural commodities. According to the FMCSA’s Office of Compliance and Enforcement Director Joe DeLorenzo, “Any of the time that takes place working within that 150-[air]-mile radius is not counted toward the driver’s hours of service … that includes empty miles driven to a pick-up point, it includes loading time, and it includes the time driving with an agricultural commodity within a 150-[air]-mile radius of the source.” Return trips to the source are also covered under the exemption.
This exemption provides some much needed flexibility for the already constrained produce industry. One way shippers and receivers can benefit from the exemption is to consolidate smaller loads from multiple growers in the same grower area. Provided all of the growers are in the 150 mile radius, the time spent going to the different growers would not be counted as part of the maximum driving hour window. Using a local warehouse can also help combat the driving hour limitations. Consolidation and local warehousing is often critical when receivers are faced with uncertain demand in the new COVID-19 world.
In this new environment, tracking, tracing and real-time data are also more critical than ever and allow receivers and shippers to better plan for the flow of produce coming in. Temperature data loggers can help shippers and receivers take quick action when temperature excursions occur and better ensure that the cargo arrives as fresh as possible.
In all areas of the supply chain for the new COVID-19 world, the costs of providing sanitization and personal protection equipment (PPE) such as masks in order to create a safe and comfortable working environment have increased labor costs and have provided additional challenges to the produce industry. There have been further disruptions throughout the industry due to working illness and social distancing requirements. These additional challenges make it increasingly likely that companies will look to invest in increased automation and robotics in order to be more resilient in times of crisis. Indeed, robotics is already used in food processing activities involving uniform tasks, such as packaging and quality control. In a recent Gartner survey, 87% of supply chain professionals said that their companies are planning to invest in resilience in order to better adapt during abnormal times.
《巴伦周刊》:“如何为下一次全球冲击做好供应链准备” https://www.barrons.com/articles/how-to-prepare-supply-chain-for-the-next-global-shock-51617887181
FMCSA/注册/商业驾驶执照/CDL 21 岁以下飞行员https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/commercial-drivers-license/cdl-under-21-pilot/faq-program-background
FMCSA 法规/服务时间https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/regulations/hours-of-service
FMCSA 法规/服务时间/ELD 服务时间 (HOS) 和农业豁免https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/hours-service/elds/eld-hours-service-hos-and-agriculture-exemptions
食品供应链弹性和 COVID-19 大流行:我们学到了什么?https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cjag.12279
Next Exit Logistics:关于 150 航空英里服务小时农业豁免的新指南https://nextexitlogistics.com/new-guidance-on-the-150-air-mile-hours-of-service Agricultural-exemption/
Trucker Nation,“卡车司机的 ELD 规定是什么” https://truckernation.org/eld-mandate-for-truckers